Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Ron paul: Bailouts will lead to rough economic ride

"...governmental measures, combined with the Federal Reserve's loose monetary policy, led to an unsustainable housing boom. The key measure by which the Fed caused this boom was through the manipulation of interest rates, and the open market operations that accompany this lowering."

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Sunday, September 21, 2008

The Contrast: Barack Obama vs. John McCain

A video montage showing the two candidates' response to an AMERICAN crisis. Can you tell who is really serious about guiding America through this?

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Saturday, September 20, 2008

Administration Is Seeking $700 Billion for Wall Street Bailout - NYTimes.com

Administration Is Seeking $700 Billion for Wall Street Bailout - NYTimes.com: "A fourth, smaller group of lawmakers was highly critical and in some cases adamantly opposed to the plan. That group included including Senator Jim Bunning, Republican of Kentucky, and Senator Bernard Sanders, independent of Vermont.
The free market for all intents and purposes is dead in America,” Mr. Bunning declared on Friday. “The action proposed today by the Treasury Department will take away the free market and institute socialism in America. The American taxpayer has been misled throughout this economic crisis. The government on all fronts has failed the American people miserably.”"

So it seems to me that any "conservative" who was concerned about Obama's leftist socialist agenda should now be unopposed as we are already there. When does the government take over other failing institutions, like GM? This move makes the democrats look like right-wingers.

Friday, September 19, 2008

Hospitals, Airports, and Mr. Spock

While I wouldn't call it the highlight of my day, getting dad back and from the hospital was essentially what I did today to be productive.

While there, I noticed something odd. Hospitals and airports have something very important in common. In both cases, the system is setup up for the purpose of efficiently getting a large number of people (passengers or patients) organized to be serviced (Doctor or Pilot/Crew).

In both cases, as the client, your free will and decision making is marginalized so that the system can run more smooth. The end result is frustration on the part of individuals.

You have to show up very early for your flight and for the hospital. A 2.5 hour airtime flight from Newark to Miami really ends up taking 5 hours when you add the time to get to the airport, park the car, get through security, and then wait to take-off. When you get there, add time waiting for luggage. At the hospital, you have to get there early so that the nurses/staff can get you prepared and lined-up to see the doctor.

In both places, time feels like it has slowed to a crawl. Why? Because you are completely at the mercy of the system.

Not that anything can be done about this. At the end of the day, as Spock said, "The needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few, or in this case the one".

Dad gets his cataracts fixed (eye #1).

Originally uploaded by Zebadiah
This is dad just after his eye surgery.

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Sleeping in Long Island

After working a day in Jersey City, I headed off to the far end of Long Island to help my dad prepare for, and get to, his surgery tomorrow. He is getting cataracts removed from one of his eyes.

The drive out here was terrible. It took about 4 hours with all the traffic. I got to test out two new techy gadgets. I listened to 3 chapters of a book I downloaded from Audible.com to my zune. I also installed Google Maps on my phone and was happy to find out that even though I don't have a GPS it does a pretty good job of figuring out about where I am.

Hasta La Vista.
This is a mobile.post

Most Husbands Nowadays, Have Stopped Beating Their Wives

HEINZ Tomoato Soup anyone?

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Wednesday, September 17, 2008

If Palin Were A Democrat...

Funny Comic if Palin was a Democrat.

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Ron Paul's take on the financial crisis.

I got nothing to say

7AM is not a good time to be trying to come up with something to write.

Today I am heading out to my customer, Pershing, in Jersey City. They want me to clear up some issues that have come out of user testing.

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

I guess this is my first blog. Welcome to any and all who think this might be interesting. I'm not yet quite sure how this is going to fit into my life, but I guess we shall see.